Special Education / Mild-Moderate (K-6) : These students are on Individualized Education Programs and are receiving instruction at their academic level.
Mod-Severe (4-6): These students are on Individualized Education Programs and are receiving instruction at their academic level. They may also need assistance in other areas for behavior, occupational therapy, counseling, etc.
English Language Development Program (K-6): Students identified as English Learners receive designated ELD during rotation. Lessons are targeted to their English Level Development, and students are given support to help them reclassify when they take the ELPAC assessment. If you have more questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Navarro: jnavarro@patterson.k12.ca.us.
Expanded Learning Program (K-6): Formerly knows as afterschool program, our Expanded Learning Program is held every day afterschool until 6pm. If you are interested in our program, please feel free to contact Kimberly Schwarze at kschwarze@patterson.k12.ca.us.